meet the author
Sue Alcon O’Connor is a Denver native living in Colorado with her family and Kevin and Karen, her two irresponsible chihuahuas.
After losing her son, Marshall, to colon cancer caused by radiation exposure from nuclear submarines during his 10 years in the Navy, she is passionate about spreading awareness. "All sailors who have been exposed need to start screening in their 30’s. I’ll go with them. I’ll hold their hands. I’ll tell butt jokes. This is kind of my life quest now."
GET SCREENED: VA’s health registry evaluation is a free, voluntary medical assessment for Veterans who may have been exposed to certain environmental hazards during military service.
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Want to win one of three signed hard cover copies of The Bone Shelter? Enter The Perfect Murder Contest - best answer wins.
Objective: List three things to put in your Walmart shopping cart that scream bloody murder to the checkout person. Murder should make your day brighter and put a smile on your face.